Oct 25, 2018 | Accessibility, Conferences, Digital Media, Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media, Web
This week on the show, Lougan and Jackie are joined by Higher Ed Social alums Liz Gross from Campus Sonar, Jon-Stephen Stansel from University of Central Arkansas and Jeff Stevens from University of Florida Health. We also welcomed Andrew Cassel from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. We sat down at Sacrament Brewing in Sacramento, California to have a great discussion about the 2018 Higher Education Web Professionals Conference. There were a lot of great takeaways, so take a listen!
Links to cool stuff
Sep 30, 2015 | Conferences, Web

For episode 38, Jeff Stevens and Nicole Lentine join us for an off-the-cuff and unedited conversation about the Higher Education Web Professionals conference taking place next week (October 4-7). We talk about everything from presentation titles to karaoke planes.
Lougan will also cover the conference from the @HESPodcast twitter account. He might even take our new Periscope account out for a spin during the fun times. So follow us on both and don’t forget to follow the #heweb15 conference hashtag!
P.S. If you’re at the conference, find Lougan so you can get your own HESPodcast commemorative pin.
Links to cool stuff:
#karaokeplane 2013

May 5, 2015 | Campus Life, Communications, Health Centers, Marketing
Episode nineteen is the first, and likely, only time that Jackie and Lougan are in the same place at the same time recording the podcast. We chat with Jeff Stevens, Assistant Web Managers at UF Health, who has been working in Higher Education since Jackie was eight years old. We talk about running and weight loss, which makes sense, considering Jeff’s audience at the University of Florida. Uniquely, Jeff and his team have two distinct audiences: students and their parents, like all institutions, but also patients. With this in mind, we talk about social media and knowing your audience to maximize each platform. We end the show by chatting about conferences and what a good listener might actually look like.
Links to cool stuff: