michael lemus & stewart, the world’s most expensive cat

Michael Lemus is a program coordinator at The Serna Center at California State University – Sacramento, which focuses on leadership and empowerment of underrepresented students. Prior to his new role, Michael was an academic advisor. Michael wants to remind his student workers that staff members are still learning too. He doesn’t believe in resolutions, he believes in intentions.

Disclaimer: Michael’s social media and opinions on this episode are his own and do not represent his employer. 

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#heweb18 & the golden nuggets

This week on the show, Lougan and Jackie are joined by Higher Ed Social alums Liz Gross from Campus Sonar, Jon-Stephen Stansel from University of Central Arkansas and Jeff Stevens from University of Florida Health. We also welcomed Andrew Cassel from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. We sat down at Sacrament Brewing in Sacramento, California to have a great discussion about the 2018 Higher Education Web Professionals Conference. There were a lot of great takeaways, so take a listen!

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jenna hartwell & the almost adulting symposium

Jenna Hartwell works at North Carolina State University as the associate director for the Women and Minority Engineering programs in the College of Engineering. Women in Engineering program created a tool workshop for freshman students to learn the tools in engineering to help prepare them for a competition. Another initiative the program has is Dinner in Dialogue that connects students with professionals in engineering. Jenna implemented an intervention based program to help juniors going into their senior year called “The Almost Adulting Symposium,” which educates students on loans, budgeting, graduate school, and developing a reputation.

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kristen lemaster & do go chasing waterfalls

It was great having the insightful Kristen Lemaster on the show this week! She works at Vanderbilt University as the program coordinator in the Office of Inclusion Initiatives and Cultural Competence. Kristen works to facilitate trainings on diversity across the campus and works to advise and support the Vanderbilt Association of Hispanic Students and the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Chinese Association. On the show, we talk about the important work she does and the importance of personal relationships and partnerships across the institution. 

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