lisa catto, chris barrows & the bass pro pyramid

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAbGAAAAJDU4N2ZkZmVlLTk3MWUtNDYwNy1hMzQ0LTFiYTAxMTYwNzc2Yg203fb77It’s episode 39 and Lougan sits down with Lisa Catto, public relations specialist at Western Oregon University, and Chris Barrows, social media and mobile products coordinator at NYU.  This episode was recorded IN PERSON at the 2015 HighEdWeb Conference in Milwaukee, WI.  We talked a lot about past HighEdWeb Conferences and next year’s conference in Memphis, TN.  I mention some of the sessions we talked about last week, while Chris and Lisa share their favorites as well.  Chris was also nice enough to provide the technology used to record this podcast, so thanks to him for that!  Check out his podcast in the links below.

Links to cool stuff

Photo of the Week



everyone & the #heweb15 conference


For episode 38, Jeff Stevens and Nicole Lentine join us for an off-the-cuff and unedited conversation about the Higher Education Web Professionals conference taking place next week (October 4-7). We talk about everything from presentation titles to karaoke planes.

Lougan will also cover the conference from the @HESPodcast twitter account.  He might even take our new Periscope account out for a spin during the fun times. So follow us on both and don’t forget to follow the #heweb15 conference hashtag!

P.S.  If you’re at the conference, find Lougan so you can get your own HESPodcast commemorative pin.

Links to cool stuff: 


#karaokeplane 2013


highedweb new york & the pancake tweetup

CHUzA3oUcAAKNjv.jpg-largeThis is a special mini-episode of the podcast.  Jackie headed off to Ithaca, NY this weekend for the HighEdWeb New York regional conference. The podcast was recorded via cellular phone from the post-conference Pancake Tweetup. You’ll hear from some new voices and some old friends as well. The audio quality isn’t great, but it’s worth a listen.  Thanks for the photo Dave Cameron!


Links to cool stuff: