Jan 20, 2016 | Communications, Conferences, Marketing, Social Media, Web
We hit the big 5-0 with Lisa Catto, Director of Social Media and Media Relations at Western Oregon University. Because she’s in Oregon and Lougan loves it, we talk about Portland…a lot. That includes public transit, ramen noodles, and the fact that it really is awesome despite what Portlandians say about it. With the new year starting, all of us are thinking about upcoming conferences, and we discuss why they’re awesome, how to be a newbie, and other great benefits. We close the show talking about social media groups, from faculty to students!
Links to cool stuff:
Dec 24, 2015 | Conferences, Residence Life, Student Affairs
Episode 46 is the first episode of season 2! We celebrate with Wimer Alberto, currently serving as the Senior Coordinator of Occupancy Management and Housing Operations at Arizona State University, but will soon be transitioning to Assistant Director for Guest and Conference Services. Because of his new role, we talk about the impact of conferences and other resources on campus, which universities are now beginning to take advantage of. With the recent Star Wars movie release, Lougan nerds out (a lot) especially because Jackie has finally seen a Star Wars movie! We close the show by talking about how our own studies shaped the way we view ourselves on our campuses, as well as Wimer’s post-graduate dreams.
Links to cool stuff:
Dec 3, 2015 | Communications, Design, Development, Marketing, Social Media, Web
Episode 44 welcomes Jake Dolan, Director of Web and Digital Communications at Montana State University. We chat about different conferences we’ve attended and plan to attend, even if some of them are outside the scope of higher education, inspiring a discussion on the importance of understanding our jobs without necessarily looking at them through the lens of a college or university. We talk about the evolution of the web, and how each of us experienced its growth in our own way, plus some juicy gossip about Lougan’s first ever website. Jake closes the show by explaining how the web is maintained at Montana State; and it’s not only one person’s responsibility.
Links to cool stuff:
Nov 11, 2015 | Conferences, Marketing, Social Media
Episode 41 is our apology to you, listeners. We’ve been busy, and although it’s no excuse, we’re ready to get back on track with super awesome announcements! Lougan is handing new responsibilities with a growing fleet of student workers, and Jackie had just returned from a trip to New Orleans for the annual ConFab conference. All that, plus, some really exciting news from Jackie! Don’t miss it.
Links to cool stuff:
Sep 30, 2015 | Conferences, Web
For episode 38, Jeff Stevens and Nicole Lentine join us for an off-the-cuff and unedited conversation about the Higher Education Web Professionals conference taking place next week (October 4-7). We talk about everything from presentation titles to karaoke planes.
Lougan will also cover the conference from the @HESPodcast twitter account. He might even take our new Periscope account out for a spin during the fun times. So follow us on both and don’t forget to follow the #heweb15 conference hashtag!
P.S. If you’re at the conference, find Lougan so you can get your own HESPodcast commemorative pin.
Links to cool stuff:
#karaokeplane 2013