jon-stephen stansel & the power that’s inside

maxresdefaultEpisode 67 brings back Jon-Stephen Stansel the Social Media Coordinator at Texas State University, and we talk about Pokemon GO, exclusively. We chat about how campuses can use this new app, and how Jackie, Lougan, and Jon-Stephen are doing on their own journeys to be the very best.

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annie mitchell & a million lougans

MitchellAnnie2_2014Episode 52 has less dirt on Lougan than we thought. We chatted with his past colleague, Annie Mitchell, current Vice President of Communications and Marketing at Wofford College. We talked about the difference between working at a two year college as compared to a four year college, as well as some new apps and social media platforms, like the completely appropriate-for-all-ages Fleek College Stories craze (hint: it’s not safe at all for work, or children). We recorded this episode on the morning of the Super Bowl, which is especially close to Annie’s heart, considering training camp for the Panthers is at Wofford. Annie shares a little about what her department is up to, including more measurable goals, and advertising in the mall.


Links to cool stuff: 

emma daitz & the ramune bottle

IMG_4693Episode fifteen starts with a weird pop…or drop, as Lougan attempts to explain the reason for a marble in his drink. We chat with Emma Daitz, Marketing and Web Editor at Nazareth College about an interesting variety of topics, including wearable technology, social media contests, and what types of headphones to wear in all situations. We also discuss the pros and cons of an open office space, determining if it does or does not hinder productivity. We wrap up chatting with Emma about Nazareth’s accepted students day, #ExpNaz.

Links to cool stuff:

jackie & lougan

10615420_10203502539709009_8994708048438277181_nEpisode zero is the one that’s generally passed over, but if you want a witty introduction to the intention of higher ed social, take a listen. We talk about what will be featured on the podcast down the road (hint: higher education, and other fun stuff), but also chat about what new things are happening on social media in higher ed, including student workers and fun ways to support students during finals week.