Nov 22, 2017 | Admissions, College Prep, Communications, Digital Media, Marketing, Social Media
We’re at episode 95 with Brock Tibert, Vice President of Audience Marketing and Analytics at CollegeWeekLive. We chat about data, data, and more data. Brock explains his history of enrollment data and analytics, and we discuss what the new age of technology means for marketing to prospective students. Is it creepy, or is it marketing. We don’t talk only numbers – Brock and Lougan make some Star Trek references and Lougan tries to make a joke.
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Sep 5, 2017 | Admissions, Communications, Marketing, Social Media
We all pile into Lougan’s closet for episode 92 with Gil Rogers, Director of Marketing at NRCCUA – National Research Center for College and University Admissions. Gil had just transitioned from working at Chegg due to its partnership with NRCCUA. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to pack up his desk or turn in his parking pass, because he worked – and will continue to work – from home in his basement office. We talk all about enrollment and recruitment marketing, how we should adapt to a changing data- and social media-filled world, and consider how prospective students view the admissions process.
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Apr 17, 2017 | Academics, Admissions, Campus Life, Graduate School, Social Media
Jackie and Corey Patterson, director of graduate operations at Abliene Christian University, spend most of episode 84 spoiling episodes of Survivor. They discuss the current season and who they see going all the way to the end. Corey spent some time working in Nashville before settling at ACU, and he and Lougan share memories of their old stomping grounds.
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Dec 15, 2016 | Admissions, Outside Higher Ed
For episode 77 we welcome Alex Williams, Senior Program Manager at Technolutions, better recognized as Slate. We chat about the New England states, with the snow on its way. Even though Alex doesn’t work on a campus, he jokes that he’s surrounded by higher education, living a stone’s throw from Yale in New Haven, CT. His passion for enrollment management stems from his involvement in admissions in undergrad, and even though he was working in an unrelated field, he worked to found #EMChat on Twitter – a dedicated chat to breaking down silos in higher education in regards to enrollment management. Alex gives us a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to maintain this weekly chat.
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Jul 14, 2016 | Admissions, Campus Life, College Prep, Communications, Marketing, Outside Higher Ed, Social Media, Uncategorized
Episode 67 brings back Jon-Stephen Stansel the Social Media Coordinator at Texas State University, and we talk about Pokemon GO, exclusively. We chat about how campuses can use this new app, and how Jackie, Lougan, and Jon-Stephen are doing on their own journeys to be the very best.
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