chris barrows & the sticker

203fb77Episode 54 welcomes back Chris Barrows, Social Media and Mobile Product Administrator at NYU. As a group of Social Media managers, we chat about what it takes to create an effective social media team, whether it’s made up of students, staff, or both. Chris is challenged with a large campus, but makes it work with things like Slack and Skype, shrinking the distance between users. Chris is serving as the chair for the upcoming eduWeb conference, and we chat about the importance of attending any conference, and what it takes to be chair. If he wasn’t busy enough, Chris also hosts his own podcast, Why I Social, which chats with everyone, “from average Joe to CEO.”


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annie mitchell & a million lougans

MitchellAnnie2_2014Episode 52 has less dirt on Lougan than we thought. We chatted with his past colleague, Annie Mitchell, current Vice President of Communications and Marketing at Wofford College. We talked about the difference between working at a two year college as compared to a four year college, as well as some new apps and social media platforms, like the completely appropriate-for-all-ages Fleek College Stories craze (hint: it’s not safe at all for work, or children). We recorded this episode on the morning of the Super Bowl, which is especially close to Annie’s heart, considering training camp for the Panthers is at Wofford. Annie shares a little about what her department is up to, including more measurable goals, and advertising in the mall.


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lisa catto & sixty hour minutes

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAbGAAAAJDU4N2ZkZmVlLTk3MWUtNDYwNy1hMzQ0LTFiYTAxMTYwNzc2YgWe hit the big 5-0 with Lisa Catto, Director of Social Media and Media Relations at Western Oregon University. Because she’s in Oregon and Lougan loves it, we talk about Portland…a lot. That includes public transit, ramen noodles, and the fact that it really is awesome despite what Portlandians say about it. With the new year starting, all of us are thinking about upcoming conferences, and we discuss why they’re awesome, how to be a newbie, and other great benefits. We close the show talking about social media groups, from faculty to students!


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emily stulz & the wild, wild web

t31LxsMiEpisode 43 started with some technical difficulties, but we finally connected with Emily Stulz, a graduate assistant in the marketing and communications office at Northern Michigan University, earning a master’s degree in higher education and student affairs. We chatted about working with student interns, especially when it comes to social media platforms, and Emily shared some great ideas she and her student worker came up with for using Snapchat on campus! We also talked about the internet; meeting people, making friends, and of course, animals. We ended the show with Emily’s new initiative on campus to create a resource for first generation students on campus, which was also featured in the Student Affairs Collective blog.

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aaron hill & the deserted island

12049663_848945278553917_8815424870552009994_nEpisode 42 is our first episode back with a guest, and this week it’s Aaron Hill, Web Programmer/Analyst at the Cornell Hotel School. We chatted about Aaron’s most recent project – a complete redesign and restructure of the Cornell Hotel School website – and all the small details that went into the process. This tangents into a conversation about fonts, footers, and brand consistency between schools within a university. We also chat about the ghosts of social media’s past; MySpace, Friendster, Xanga, and more…and Jackie reminds everyone how young she is…again.

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