lisa catto & sixty hour minutes

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAbGAAAAJDU4N2ZkZmVlLTk3MWUtNDYwNy1hMzQ0LTFiYTAxMTYwNzc2YgWe hit the big 5-0 with Lisa Catto, Director of Social Media and Media Relations at Western Oregon University. Because she’s in Oregon and Lougan loves it, we talk about Portland…a lot. That includes public transit, ramen noodles, and the fact that it really is awesome despite what Portlandians say about it. With the new year starting, all of us are thinking about upcoming conferences, and we discuss why they’re awesome, how to be a newbie, and other great benefits. We close the show talking about social media groups, from faculty to students!


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chris d’orso & the unexpected google search

hqdefaultEpisode seven features the closest thing we could get to a celebrity, Chris D’Orso, Assistant Director of Enrollment Communications at Stony Brook University. Aside from being “the Twitter guy” on campus, Chris co-hosts Admissions Live, part of the newly rebranded Higher Ed Live Network. We chat with Chris about breakfast foods, but more interestingly about social media on campus and how to balance the love for the place you work with the love you have for your alma mater. We also do a little digging and find something out about Chris that may be a little less known.

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