Apr 19, 2018 | Advising, Campus Life, First Year Experience, New Students, Residence Life, Retention, Student Affairs
Peyton Lipscomb is the retention initiatives coordinator at University of West Florida. Her undergraduate advisor in economics suggested her pursue a career a higher education since she loved serving the campus of Mississippi State. She oversees an initiative called Anchor Down for freshmen. Their events are focused around a theme and it issues stickers to professors and students with questions to ignite conversation.
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Dec 30, 2015 | Advising, Campus Life, Career Development, First Year Experience, Student Affairs

Episode 47 welcomes recent graduate Brady Griffith, Life Coach at Maryville University. Naturally, we talk about Star Wars because Lougan had seen the new release since our last episode…more than once. Don’t worry, listeners, we cut out the spoilers. We determine that Lougan is in fact not a Star Wars uberfan, but does own a $600 lightsaber. We finally get around to asking Brady what a Life Coach really is, and he explained the relatively new concept in Higher Education and at Maryville. As a Maryville alumnus, Brady describes his transition from student to Life Coach, and how it benefits his new position. We’re excited to bring Brady back on the show to hear how the program has evolved!
Link to cool stuff:
Lougan’s Millennium Falcon
Jul 14, 2015 | Academics, Campus Life, Community Colleges, Extra Curricular Activities, Outside Higher Ed
Episode 29 kicks off with Dr. Tom Priester, Director of Transitional Studies at Genesee Community College, talking about a fun new way to use all those free college shirts we get from campus events. Coming off the Fourth of July holiday weekend, we chat about summertime, BBQ, and research laws regarding owning fireworks and firing them off. We do talk Higher Ed, though, when Tom brings up his summer project: the final edits on his textbook, Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom, which will be released soon as an open-source textbook through Open SUNY. We end the show with an incredibly interesting story from Tom, as he explained how he ended up in Attica Correctional Facility, and will be heading back.
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Lougan with a D: