coby dillard & the student veterans

Coby Dillard is the coordinator for veterans and military services at the University of California Santa Barbara. Coby began his career in the Navy as a yeoman, and after leaving the Navy, he decided to take advantage of his post 9/11 G.I. Bill benefits at Tidewater Community College. There he began his career in higher ed as a work study student. Coby transitioned to UCSB last year, and has been working to rebuild their programs for student veterans. We had a great discussion about what makes student veterans special, and how he works to support their needs.

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chester goad & the wail of the potato cat

Chester GoadWarning: Jackie’s cat K.C. (aka The Potato) provides the intro sound effects. Chester Goad works as the director of disability services for Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, TN. His office works with areas around campus to insure that students receive the appropriate accommodations for their disabilities. Disabilities include physical, mental, and learning disabilities as well as illnesses. Chester also serves on the board of directors for the Association of Higher Education and Disability and is on the editorial review board of the Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability. In addition to his work at Tennessee Tech, Chester has a podcast called Leaderbyte Stories.

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