Mar 3, 2016 | Communications, Conferences, Extra Curricular Activities, Marketing, Social Media
Episode 54 welcomes back Chris Barrows, Social Media and Mobile Product Administrator at NYU. As a group of Social Media managers, we chat about what it takes to create an effective social media team, whether it’s made up of students, staff, or both. Chris is challenged with a large campus, but makes it work with things like Slack and Skype, shrinking the distance between users. Chris is serving as the chair for the upcoming eduWeb conference, and we chat about the importance of attending any conference, and what it takes to be chair. If he wasn’t busy enough, Chris also hosts his own podcast, Why I Social, which chats with everyone, “from average Joe to CEO.”
Links to cool stuff:
Oct 28, 2015 | Extra Curricular Activities, Residence Life, Student Affairs

We’re back with the big 4-0! We’ve been gone a while, and were asked by Dustin Ramsdell, one of our previous guests, to chat about our podcasts and do a little brainstorming. Well, we didn’t really talk much about the podcast, but we did talk about everything else. In a small town in Maine, Dustin talks about food choices, while Lougan expresses his deep-rooted love for Ramen. We talk a little about cats and sportsball, but then get to the good stuff – our podcasts! The conversation quickly digresses into podcasting in general, and then we talk about the future, and the future’s past, the present. Unsurprisingly, this ends the show with a full-out scifi geek session.
Links to cool stuff
Jul 29, 2015 | Outside Higher Ed, Residence Life
We’re back from vacation with episode 30, welcoming the hosts of the Professional Reputations Aside Podcast; Matt Bloomingdale, Assistant Director of Residence Life at Georgia Tech, and Valerie Heruska, Assistant Director for Residence Life for Academic Initiatives and Services at Indiana University Bloomington. We talk a lot about the United States, especially the New England area along the coast, discussing seafood of all kinds (chowder, pronounced chow-dah, too). Naturally, our conversation weaves its way down a path of comparing the Higher Ed Social Podcast to the Professional Reputations Aside Podcast, both of which you should download and subscribe to, right now. We discuss preparation, recording, flounders, and successes, and reveal some behind-the-scenes info about the show. On a higher education related note, we talk about weird state laws that effect our students, and Lougan has a seriously innocent slip of the tongue, doesn’t realize it and meant absolutely nothing by it.
Links to cool stuff:
Matt podcasting in a closet: