nikki massaro kauffman & failure is part of growth

This week on the show, Lougan chats with front-end web developer Nikki Massaro Kauffman. She develops open source web components to make Penn State University’s online courses accessible, media rich, and interactive. Nikki has always been passionate about teaching, and she translates that love into mentoring. Lougan and Nikki talk about the importance of mentorship, making mistakes and failure.

Links to cool stuff: 

jenna spinelle & the frozen fountain

Jenna Spinelle is the communications specialist for the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State. She describes herself as a team of one, where she handles digital content and media outreach. She is also host of the Institute’s Democracy Works podcast which is produced in partnership with WPSU Penn State, Pennsylvania’s NPR station. Lougan and Jenna have a great chat about working her work hosting Democracy Works, podcasting and listening to audio books. Also, apologies for Lougan’s audio quality. We’ve had some issues with his microphone and are working to fix it. 

Links to cool stuff: 

bill zimmerman & the virtual bar

Bill Zimmerman is a lecturer at Penn State’s Donald Bellisario College of Communications in the departments of advertising and public relations. Before teaching, he worked in public relations and strategic communication for Penn State. The group discusses losing interest in social media after maintaining a professional account. Zimmerman emphasizes to his students to focus on developing a strategy for social media. Zimmerman wants to show his students the possibilities that Penn State’s entrepreneurship program and social media can bring. When he is not teaching, Zimmerman is a podcaster for Happy Valley Hustle, which is for a regional audience about entrepreneurship.

Links to cool stuff:


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