kevin singer & the IDEALS research

Kevin Singer is a PhD student in higher education at North Carolina State University where he serves as a Research Associate for the Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey (IDEALS). He also serves as Co-Director of Neighborly Faith, an org helping evangelical college students to build bridges of friendship with people of other faiths, and teaches world religions at two community colleges. IDEALS recently released a national report called “Friendships Matter” about befriending people across all faiths. Lougan and Kevin talk about consequences of online behavior as well as empathy in conversations one might disagree with. When he’s not in higher ed, he’s hanging out with his wife and their 4 kids.

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jenna hartwell & the almost adulting symposium

Jenna Hartwell works at North Carolina State University as the associate director for the Women and Minority Engineering programs in the College of Engineering. Women in Engineering program created a tool workshop for freshman students to learn the tools in engineering to help prepare them for a competition. Another initiative the program has is Dinner in Dialogue that connects students with professionals in engineering. Jenna implemented an intervention based program to help juniors going into their senior year called “The Almost Adulting Symposium,” which educates students on loans, budgeting, graduate school, and developing a reputation.

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