aaron tomassini & the bush plane

11698694_10207458147476471_545012241211356905_nEpisode 35 welcomes Aaron Tomassini, a Graduate Student at Canisius College, back to the continental US from his summer long internship at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. We kick off with another ice breaker and learn about Lougan’s new cat Stewart, who used to be named Phoebe. Naturally, the conversation steers in the direction of moose, Denali, and the Northern Lights, as Aaron explains his unique opportunity in a state which is often confused for having only eskimos and ice fishing. Aaron’s summer internship with Conference Operations meant that he was faced with nearly 20 hours of daylight each day, and we chat about how each of us would be able to handle extended hours of light and darkness. Of course, we end the episode with an interesting history lesson from Lougan, about Icelandic history.

Links to cool stuff: 

Picture of Stewart



luke haumesser & the beepy thing

Baird Point Head ShotEpisode 33 starts off with an ice breaker, introducing Lucky Luke Haumesser, Assistant Director of Student Activities and Governments at the University at Buffalo. After our ice breaker session, we’re comfortable enough with each other to argue about the correct pronunciation of ‘gif,” and make animal noises. Move in week is coming up, and in his new role outside of Residence Life for the first time, Luke talks about the Welcome Week events that he’s helping to plan – including the overhead “interlocking UB” photo, break dancing, and all night pancakes. We also talk about IKEA and Home Depot, in part to celebrate Luke’s transition from a live-on position to his own apartment.

Links to cool stuff: 

Pictures of the week:

Lanky Lougan

Lanky Lougan

Luke's Bitmoji

Luke’s Bitmoji