chrissy montelli & the gold lasts forever

Chrissy Montelli is a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts- Amherst earning a Masters of Fine Arts in writing specializing in poetry. By day, she is a graduate assistant for Student Activities as programming counselor for events on campus. Currently, she is working on her thesis, a series of poems that examines mental illness and how it influences relationships. Chrissy decided to pursue her MFA in creative writing after realizing she didn’t want to teach high school English. She loves how sees the growth in the students she advises.

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danzel jones & RAs really do leave their residence halls

Danzel Jones is a Massachusetts transplant at West Virginia State University where he works as a graduate hall director while obtaining his master’s degree in media studies. As much as it’s hard to believe, he is a former introvert who believes in helping others overcome their shyness. We talk about his experiences adjusting from undergraduate life to graduate life, his work at West Virginia State and his goal of entering the film industry.

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danzel jones & RAs really do leave their residence halls