lenny williams & the game of thrones icebreaker

image1Episode 61 is with Lenny Williams, Assistant to the Dean of Enrollment Management at the School of Business at New Jersey City University. Aside from his day job, he is an adjunct professor at NJCU, Hudson Community College, and Brookdale Community College. Lenny sounds like a busy guy, but his work doesn’t stop there. We talk at length with him about Trill or not Trill, an organization he co-founded which centers around pop cultural as educational lessons. We talk about staying timely with pop culture and his posts, as well as his plans for the future.

Links to cool stuff

nicole lentine & the vhs tape

1115973_740109098960_697067394744921213_oEpisode ten brings some more severe wind chill with Nicole Lentine, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions at Champlain College. Nicole has been at Champlain for a long time, and it all started with a VHS tape; the one she received as marketing material from the college. She applied there, and only there, and has worked there ever since! We chat about the changing landscape of admissions and student applications, breaking down silos, and the shackles we wear each day; our Fitbits.

Links to cool stuff:
Do you own your Fitbit? Or does your Fitbit own you? Read more

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Jackie: Follow her
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