shanna carmack & the tape deck editor

Shanna Carmack and her son smiling into the cameraShanna Carmack is the director of residence life for Carson-Newman University in east Tennessee. In this week’s episode, we talk to Shanna about getting acclimated as a new director in her first year at a university and how much a mentor can make a difference to an up-and-coming administrator. Shanna also lends us some insight on what it’s like to raise a child—in a residence hall!





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dee goines & the student affairs wrestling kliq

Dee GoinesDee Goines is Director of Residence Life, Housing and Conference Services at The University of North Texas at Dallas. During the show, Dee introduces Lougan and Jackie to the Student Affairs Kliq, a Facebook group for fans of WWE in Student Affairs. UNT Dallas has recently completed it’s first residence hall, so Residence Life is a relatively new department. As such, Resident Assistants are a new concept to the institution. Dee talks about his process for hiring new RAs and about the structure of his new department.

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