#heweb19 & the return of the golden nuggets

What’s better than actually going to the HighEdWeb Conference? Recording an episode with your friends that actually went! At least that’s what Lougan is telling himself this week as he welcomes Jackie and Jon-Stephen back to the show along with new guest Alaina Wiens. We chat about what it’s like running social media for the conference, and the various presentations they gave. We also talk about the “golden nuggets” they are taking back home this year. 

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wayne glass & the pet dinosaur

Episode 83 is with Wayne Glass, a Residence Hall Director at Macalester College. Although he’s now settled in Minnesota, Wanye has lived and traveled in many places across the country, and we chat about adventures in the US. Before the show was recorded, Wayne was preparing to present at the ACPA conference in Columbus, OH. We talk about his presentation, being on a committee, and even about next year’s conference!

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dave eng & xp, hp, and crits

Dave EngEpisode 69 is with Dave Eng, Director of Student Activities at St. Thomas Aquinas College, and Doctoral Candidate at Northeastern University. Dave is studying games, gamification, and game-based learning, which fuels most of the conversation. Dave talks about gamification in our lives, such as earning steps and beating your friends with FitBits, getting candy with Waze, and of course Pokemon GO. During the time of recording, Dave was preparing to head to a gamification conference, which leads to a nerdy discussion teaching Jackie everything she needs to know.

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tonya oaks-smith, colleen brennan-barry & the warp core breach of lougan’s mind

tonya-colleenEpisode 64 is so big, we brought on two guests! We talk with Tonya Oaks-Smith, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications at Henderson State University, and Colleen Brennan-Barry Assistant Director of Marketing & Community Relations at Monroe Community College. Colleen serves as the President of Higher Education Web Professionals Association and Tonya serves as the Chair of the HighEdWeb National Conference, and have lots to talk about when it comes to the upcoming conference! The HighEd Web gang will be heading to Memphis, TN in October, and we talk about food, fun, sessions, learning, and an exciting keynote announcement that nearly kills Lougan.


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aaron knight & tweeting like kanye

1385931_10101307514592126_617766806_nEpisode 53 is with Aaron Knight, Senior Programmer/Analyst at SUNY ESF. We walk down memory lane and chat about how all of us met (spoiler, it was a conference), and what’s happening at the office. With recent newsworthy events on campuses in New York state, we take some time to talk about potential PR nightmares and how we can handle them on our own campus. On a more positive note, Jackie and Lougan talk about their connection to the Grammy awards, which turns into a tangent about Kanye West.


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