May 18, 2016 | Alumni, Development, Giving
Episode 62 is filled with Geneseo and Albany pride, thanks to Cassie Allen, Assistant Director for Phoneathon and Young Alumni Giving at Siena College. Jackie and Cassie are both Geneseo alumnae living in Albany, so we chat a lot about both topics. Now that phoneathon is over, Cassie is back to a normal work schedule, and talks about what she’s been up to with her new-found free time. We talk about podcasts aside from our own, as well as Cassie’s rabbit, George. Jackie and Cassie also compare stories about times they’ve been mistaken for students on campus, something that makes Lougan feel old.
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Jan 13, 2016 | Admissions
Episode 49 is with Jim Sargent, Assistant Director of Admissions and Coordinator of Transfer Admissions at Trinity College. Although his role is fairly new, Jim is not new to Trinity, previously working in Communications. We chat about transfer students and their needs, as well as resources on urban and suburban campuses. We tangent about Pokemon, cats, Star Wars, and rom coms, but get back on track when Jim explains Trinity’s new announcement; becoming test-optional.
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Jun 16, 2015 | Campus Life, Communications, Outside Higher Ed, Web
Episode 25 features Lacy Paschal, Director of Web Communications at Vanderbilt University, even though it takes some time to formally introduce her. In this episode, Jackie’s soul dies a little because she has nothing, at least when it comes to children (both which Lougan and Lacy have adorable ones). We talk about college sports, specifically in Nashville, and Jackie continues to learn about sports teams in the south. Lacy reveals that she is adjusting to a big switch in her department, growing from 3 to 14 members, due to a reorganization on campus. We also chat about personalized customer service, and what the best method for teaching software is.
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