AAEAAQAAAAAAAAQMAAAAJGFmOTdjM2UxLWZlNjktNGM2My1hZTg5LTZiNGQ3NTgyZTkwZgWe couldn’t tell you at the time, but now it’s official. Missy has begun working as Recruitment Coordinator at the Syracuse University College of Law. As a well-deserved congratulations, we’re rebroadcasting this episode, before she moved to the big Orange.

Episode 59 congratulates Missy Vetrano, current graduate student at the University of Buffalo who successfully unlocked her next achievement; getting a job in higher education. Although we can’t yet disclose exactly where she’ll be working, Missy talks about her path to higher ed beginning with her undergraduate studies, and her final semester feelings. Missy is moving for her first job, and she tells us the secret to negotiation at estate sales. if you haven’t already guessed, she’s Jackie’s sister, and reveals something pretty embarrassing about Jackie’s past.

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