May 13, 2021 | Communications, Community Colleges, Marketing
Many of the episodes on this show focus on traditional, four-year universities, but community colleges have the same responsibilities when it comes to social media, enrollment management, and many other aspects of higher ed.
This week, we welcome Van Nguyen and Olivia Perry of Schoolcraft College just outside Detroit, to talk about the challenges and the opportunities of working at a community college. We also talk about how the pandemic impacted community college staff and students and chat about plans for commencement and how to pull off ceremonies that honor students and their achievements in a safe way.
Van Nguyen is the Chief Marketing & Communications Officer at Schoolcraft College; Olivia Perry is the school’s Marketing and Events Coordinator.
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Jan 16, 2020 | Academics, Administration, Community Colleges, Financial Aid, Online Education, Student Affairs, Student Success, University President
This week we discuss the barriers faced by low-income students with Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, president of the Amarillo College. In his time as president, he’s overseen significant increases in student retention and graduation rates while also working to make his institution an economic driver for the community and region. On the show, Dr. Lowery-Hart shares how Amarillo College made such radical change happen and the many opportunities for higher education to break tradition and adapt to a changing world.
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Mar 21, 2018 | Academics, Community Colleges, Online Education
Darren Stocker is an associate professor and program director at Cape Cod Community College in Massachusetts where he works with students who want to get into the field of criminal justice. After retiring from 20 years in law enforcement, Darren got into higher education. While in graduate school, it became clear to him that education was his next career move. Darren has done extensive work with learning management systems, and he talks with Lougan and Jackie about the pros and cons of discussion boards in an online classroom.
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Jun 15, 2016 | Academics, Campus Life, Community Colleges, Extra Curricular Activities, Student Affairs, Study Abroad
We’re back from vacation with Episode 63! This week we talk with Lisa Kelsay, Assistant Dean of Liberal Arts and Director of Academic Arts at Moraine Valley Community College. We begin the show by chatting about our morning commutes, and the struggles of choosing to live in a bustling city, or moving closer to campus. Jackie and Lisa both studied abroad in Italy during their undergraduate years, and talk about what they loved best about the experience. Lisa shares with us “a day in the life,” which, as we all know, is different depending on the day. She explains her current work, which includes dealing with parents and giving out exciting awards to her students. When this episode was recorded, Lisa was preparing for the Espirit de She Triathalon, which she has since completed, and shaved over 17 minutes off her race time from last year!
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Apr 14, 2016 | Admissions, Campus Life, Community Colleges, Outside Higher Ed, Student Affairs
Episode 57 welcomes Matt Reed, Vice President for Learning at Brookdale Community College and author of Confessions of a Community College Dean, which began in 2004. Confessions of a Community College Dean is hosted as a blog on Inside Higher Ed, and can also be found as a book! Matt works to post once a day, Monday through Friday to the blog, which is a lot of work! We talk about commitment, dedication, and deadlines, while also thinking about work-life balance. Matt sheds some light on what he does every day, and we also chat about the Tennessee Promise program and other legislations starting to take effect in higher education across the country.
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Jul 14, 2015 | Academics, Campus Life, Community Colleges, Extra Curricular Activities, Outside Higher Ed
Episode 29 kicks off with Dr. Tom Priester, Director of Transitional Studies at Genesee Community College, talking about a fun new way to use all those free college shirts we get from campus events. Coming off the Fourth of July holiday weekend, we chat about summertime, BBQ, and research laws regarding owning fireworks and firing them off. We do talk Higher Ed, though, when Tom brings up his summer project: the final edits on his textbook, Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom, which will be released soon as an open-source textbook through Open SUNY. We end the show with an incredibly interesting story from Tom, as he explained how he ended up in Attica Correctional Facility, and will be heading back.
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Lougan with a D: