melissa van de werfhorst & the power of the wikipedia

11953130_1194710127221087_6474174825131308098_nEpisode 65 is with Melissa Van De Werfhorst, Marketing and Communications Manager for the College of Engineering at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Unsurprisingly, we talk about cats (there’s 9 between everyone), but also chat with Melissa about the recent Sarpa fire that was very closeby. Now that it’s summer, life has slowed down a little, but Melissa is working on a website relaunch for the College of Engineering. We also geek out about Murder She Wrote and Star Trek for a while.


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lisa kelsay & the fondue-making cows

13406867_10101603780727561_782023677217273413_nWe’re back from vacation with Episode 63!  This week we talk with Lisa Kelsay, Assistant Dean of Liberal Arts and Director of Academic Arts at Moraine Valley Community College. We begin the show by chatting about our morning commutes, and the struggles of choosing to live in a bustling city, or moving closer to campus. Jackie and Lisa both studied abroad in Italy during their undergraduate years, and talk about what they loved best about the experience. Lisa shares with us “a day in the life,” which, as we all know, is different depending on the day. She explains her current work, which includes dealing with parents and giving out exciting awards to her students. When this episode was recorded, Lisa was preparing for the Espirit de She Triathalon, which she has since completed, and shaved over 17 minutes off her race time from last year!


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missy vetrano & the estate sale

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAQMAAAAJGFmOTdjM2UxLWZlNjktNGM2My1hZTg5LTZiNGQ3NTgyZTkwZgEpisode 59 congratulates Missy Vetrano, current graduate student at the University of Buffalo who successfully unlocked her next achievement; getting a job in higher education. Although we can’t yet disclose exactly where she’ll be working, Missy talks about her path to higher ed beginning with her undergraduate studies, and her final semester feelings. Missy is moving for her first job, and she tells us the secret to negotiation at estate sales. if you haven’t already guessed, she’s Jackie’s sister, and reveals something pretty embarrassing about Jackie’s past.


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jordan wagge & the oreo

Jordan WaggeEpisode 51 is with Dr. Jordan Wagge, Associate Professor of Psychology at Avila University. To be clear, she’s not the kind of psychologist who helps people, even though she likes to help people. Jordan, along with her students, runs the Cognition Lab at Avila, studying food and eating behaviors. We discuss her method of research, relying mostly on the internet. We also talk about traveling through space, setting your GPS to a voice with an accent, and what happens when you’re a young professional.


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tim nekritz & the bilingual monkey

Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 9.02.33 PMEpisode 31 features Tim Nekritz, Associate Director of Communications and Marketing/Director of Digital Communications at SUNY Oswego. Tim tells us how he got his current job wearing many hats, all thanks to this thing called “the internet” that got really big a while back. Naturally, we talk about using social media on campus, and interestingly enough, Tim describes how social media works to break down departmental silos that exist at so many institutions across the country. Oswego is in the midst of a website redevelopment initiative, and we talk about content, “front end” and “back end,” and the most effective use of time with a new project like this one. We mention Slack for a second, but then Lougan and Tim dive into a deeply passionate conversation about children’s television shows. There’s singing. You don’t want to miss it.

Links to cool stuff: 

Super Why – Hip Hip Hooray Song
(because you need it stuck in your head)