Apr 17, 2017 | Academics, Admissions, Campus Life, Graduate School, Social Media
Jackie and Corey Patterson, director of graduate operations at Abliene Christian University, spend most of episode 84 spoiling episodes of Survivor. They discuss the current season and who they see going all the way to the end. Corey spent some time working in Nashville before settling at ACU, and he and Lougan share memories of their old stomping grounds.
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Nov 18, 2016 | Academics, Graduate School
Episode 75 is an exciting chat with Wesley Hough (like tough!), 5th year graduate student in the PhD of Mathematics program at the University of Kentucky. Wesley also works as a Teaching Assistant, teaching Calculus II for Life Sciences. We chat about the structure of his department considering he teaches science students but is studying for a degree in math. He is working on his dissertation and explains it well enough for Jackie and Lougan to understand. We also talk about job searches – Wesley is planning to apply to close to 85 jobs across the US – and a very interesting number.
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Sep 30, 2016 | Academics, Advising, Student Affairs
In episode 73, we chat with Daniel Shelnutt, Academic Advisor at the University of Southern Florida, College of Arts and Sciences. Even though he doesn’t live there anymore, we chat about the North Carolina area, where both Daniel and Lougan have lived at different times. Jackie was excited to watch the Buffalo Bills win the night of the recording, and Lougan scores some points by not mentioning “sportsball” at all! Daniel’s birthday is just around the corner, and he shares his plans for turning the big 3-0, and we close the show with Daniel’s explanation of the class he is teaching this semester.
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Sep 10, 2016 | Academics, Alumni, Graduate School, Marketing
Episode 71 features Matt Brinton, the Associate Director of Alumni Relations at the University of Northern Colorado. We begin our discussion with a talk about Welcome Week activities at our respective institutions and the organization of our offices on campus. Matt is a Ph.D. candidate, and we discuss his new course on technology in education which has been in development since 2014. Finally, we talk about how Matt is trying new things when marketing to his alumni.
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Aug 19, 2016 | Academics, Conferences, Graduate School, Student Affairs
Episode 69 is with Dave Eng, Director of Student Activities at St. Thomas Aquinas College, and Doctoral Candidate at Northeastern University. Dave is studying games, gamification, and game-based learning, which fuels most of the conversation. Dave talks about gamification in our lives, such as earning steps and beating your friends with FitBits, getting candy with Waze, and of course Pokemon GO. During the time of recording, Dave was preparing to head to a gamification conference, which leads to a nerdy discussion teaching Jackie everything she needs to know.
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Aug 4, 2016 | Academics, Advising, Graduate School, Social Media, Student Affairs
Episode 68 is with Jessica Philo, who recently started working as a Student Services Specialist at the University of Pittsburgh. Jessica shares with us how she got into higher education (she was an advertising major in undergrad) and we chat about what life is like in a big city compared to a smaller town. Jessica explains why everyone should hug the folks on campus who schedule classes, as she gives us a behind the scenes look at the process. We also talk about Jessica’s blog, J Seeks Joy, and where she comes up with content inspiration.
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