May 18, 2016 | Alumni, Development, Giving
Episode 62 is filled with Geneseo and Albany pride, thanks to Cassie Allen, Assistant Director for Phoneathon and Young Alumni Giving at Siena College. Jackie and Cassie are both Geneseo alumnae living in Albany, so we chat a lot about both topics. Now that phoneathon is over, Cassie is back to a normal work schedule, and talks about what she’s been up to with her new-found free time. We talk about podcasts aside from our own, as well as Cassie’s rabbit, George. Jackie and Cassie also compare stories about times they’ve been mistaken for students on campus, something that makes Lougan feel old.
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May 11, 2016 | Admissions, Career Development, Outside Higher Ed

Episode 61 is with Lenny Williams, Assistant to the Dean of Enrollment Management at the School of Business at New Jersey City University. Aside from his day job, he is an adjunct professor at NJCU, Hudson Community College, and Brookdale Community College. Lenny sounds like a busy guy, but his work doesn’t stop there. We talk at length with him about Trill or not Trill, an organization he co-founded which centers around pop cultural as educational lessons. We talk about staying timely with pop culture and his posts, as well as his plans for the future.
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May 4, 2016 | Campus Life, Extra Curricular Activities, Higher Ed Eats, Residence Life, Student Affairs
Episode 60 starts off with a political spin, a passion of Dr. Ann Marie Klotz, Dean of Campus Life at NYIT in Manhattan. Having just visited New York City, Lougan shares his experiences in the Big Apple, and naturally we talk about ramen, but not the cheap kind that you boil in college. We transition to talking about higher education, of course, and how residence life seems to be the gateway job to a career in the field. Ann Marie shares her view on what a work/life balance really is, and we end the show with a glass of Lemonade.
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