Apr 27, 2016 | Academics, Admissions, Outside Higher Ed
Episode 59 congratulates Missy Vetrano, current graduate student at the University of Buffalo who successfully unlocked her next achievement; getting a job in higher education. Although we can’t yet disclose exactly where she’ll be working, Missy talks about her path to higher ed beginning with her undergraduate studies, and her final semester feelings. Missy is moving for her first job, and she tells us the secret to negotiation at estate sales. if you haven’t already guessed, she’s Jackie’s sister, and reveals something pretty embarrassing about Jackie’s past.
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Apr 20, 2016 | Library, Web

Episode 58 brings on the super hot Kerri Hicks, Library Web Manager at Brown University. Kerri tells us all about what it’s like to work in a library, especially on the web with huge databases and interesting social networks. Lougan finds some old research he did in college – all about sharks – and we search for random things on the Brown University Library site. Kerri talks about what she does outside of work, which includes chatting with her parrots, knitting (but no cats), and singing kerrioke.
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Apr 14, 2016 | Admissions, Campus Life, Community Colleges, Outside Higher Ed, Student Affairs
Episode 57 welcomes Matt Reed, Vice President for Learning at Brookdale Community College and author of Confessions of a Community College Dean, which began in 2004. Confessions of a Community College Dean is hosted as a blog on Inside Higher Ed, and can also be found as a book! Matt works to post once a day, Monday through Friday to the blog, which is a lot of work! We talk about commitment, dedication, and deadlines, while also thinking about work-life balance. Matt sheds some light on what he does every day, and we also chat about the Tennessee Promise program and other legislations starting to take effect in higher education across the country.
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