Feb 18, 2016 | Campus Life, Communications, Marketing, Web
Episode 53 is with Aaron Knight, Senior Programmer/Analyst at SUNY ESF. We walk down memory lane and chat about how all of us met (spoiler, it was a conference), and what’s happening at the office. With recent newsworthy events on campuses in New York state, we take some time to talk about potential PR nightmares and how we can handle them on our own campus. On a more positive note, Jackie and Lougan talk about their connection to the Grammy awards, which turns into a tangent about Kanye West.
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Feb 10, 2016 | Admissions, Communications, Marketing, Social Media
Episode 52 has less dirt on Lougan than we thought. We chatted with his past colleague, Annie Mitchell, current Vice President of Communications and Marketing at Wofford College. We talked about the difference between working at a two year college as compared to a four year college, as well as some new apps and social media platforms, like the completely appropriate-for-all-ages Fleek College Stories craze (hint: it’s not safe at all for work, or children). We recorded this episode on the morning of the Super Bowl, which is especially close to Annie’s heart, considering training camp for the Panthers is at Wofford. Annie shares a little about what her department is up to, including more measurable goals, and advertising in the mall.
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Feb 3, 2016 | Extra

The internet gods have spoken. Between delayed flights and bad internet connections, we couldn’t quite get our act together this week. If you skip this episode, we won’t be offended. We’ll be back next week, promise!
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