Jul 29, 2015 | Outside Higher Ed, Residence Life
We’re back from vacation with episode 30, welcoming the hosts of the Professional Reputations Aside Podcast; Matt Bloomingdale, Assistant Director of Residence Life at Georgia Tech, and Valerie Heruska, Assistant Director for Residence Life for Academic Initiatives and Services at Indiana University Bloomington. We talk a lot about the United States, especially the New England area along the coast, discussing seafood of all kinds (chowder, pronounced chow-dah, too). Naturally, our conversation weaves its way down a path of comparing the Higher Ed Social Podcast to the Professional Reputations Aside Podcast, both of which you should download and subscribe to, right now. We discuss preparation, recording, flounders, and successes, and reveal some behind-the-scenes info about the show. On a higher education related note, we talk about weird state laws that effect our students, and Lougan has a seriously innocent slip of the tongue, doesn’t realize it and meant absolutely nothing by it.
Links to cool stuff:
Matt podcasting in a closet:

Jul 14, 2015 | Academics, Campus Life, Community Colleges, Extra Curricular Activities, Outside Higher Ed
Episode 29 kicks off with Dr. Tom Priester, Director of Transitional Studies at Genesee Community College, talking about a fun new way to use all those free college shirts we get from campus events. Coming off the Fourth of July holiday weekend, we chat about summertime, BBQ, and research laws regarding owning fireworks and firing them off. We do talk Higher Ed, though, when Tom brings up his summer project: the final edits on his textbook, Foundations of Academic Success: Words of Wisdom, which will be released soon as an open-source textbook through Open SUNY. We end the show with an incredibly interesting story from Tom, as he explained how he ended up in Attica Correctional Facility, and will be heading back.
Links to cool stuff:
Lougan with a D:

Jul 7, 2015 | Residence Life, Student Affairs
Episode 28 has an intense start with Marci Walton, Assistant Director for Academic Support and Learning Communities for Loyola University Chicago Residence Life, about why living off campus is so expensive. Although she now has to pay rent, it’s clear that her bingo winnings cover the cost. Don’t worry, we talk about the strategy of having multiple bingo cards – and yes, there is one. We also talk about what it’s like to live in Chicago (bad weather and all), and discuss Marci’s experience with four new directors in her department, while exploring a new initiative with Learning Communities on campus.
Link to cool stuff: