tiffany broadbent-beker & the pantless eagle

tiffany_broadbentbeker-300x225Episode 24 kicks off with Lougan and our guest, Tiffany Broadbent-Beker, Web Developer and Social Media Coordinator at the College of William and Mary, acting as the Higher Ed Social bartenders for the evening. We first chat about Tiffany’s experiences living near Colonial Williamsburg, as many of the actors break character on a regular basis. In her position, Tiffany monitors some of the social media accounts for the college, sharing the responsibility with other team members. We chat about this unique practice, and how much anxiety monitoring social media accounts can cause, when it’s for a large institution. This leads us down the path of welcoming incoming freshman and transfer students to campus, with orientation surprisingly jsut around the corner. Amongst other topics, spanning from which Hogwarts house is the best to WWDC predictions, Tiffany reveals Jackie’s favorite new app.


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The Griffin

erin willis & traveling to hogwarts

Erin Willis, Petra, JordanWe’re back from spring break with episode fourteen and Erin Willis, Assistant Director of Study Abroad at SUNY Fredonia. Although she landed in this position due to fate, Erin is fitting right in. We chat about traveling the world, encouraging our audience of student listeners to do the same. We also hear from Erin’s four legged friend on the topic, and meet Lougan’s offspring.

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